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Hey, I'm Niket!

I'm a tech enthusiast, passionate about Front-End Development.
Here's a bit more about me.

Here are some of my Projects

  • Twitter Clone

    TypeScript, React, Redux, NextJS, Firebase

    Crafted a dynamic Twitter-inspired web platform employing HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, TypeScript, ReactJS, Redux, NextJS, and Firebase. Encompassing user authentication, real-time updates, tweet management, robust search capabilities, and user profiles, the project mirrors the essence of Twitter's functionality through innovative web development techniques.

  • Amderon Enterprise [Client Work]

    HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, ReactJS, EmailJS

    Amderon Enterprise is a professionally designed website for a law consultation firm, showcasing their expert legal services and personalized solutions. The site features information about practice areas, attorney profiles, and client testimonials, ensuring easy navigation for potential clients.

  • Virtual Internship, FES

    TypeScript, React, Redux, NextJS, Firebase Stripe

    Completed a virtual internship at Frontend Simplified, where I developed a feature-rich web application using Next.js, TypeScript, Firebase, and Stripe integration. Implemented user authentication, dynamic content display, audio playback, and payment functionality, showcasing full-stack development capabilities.

  • Hype Hazard [Client Work]

    NextJS, TailwindCSS, TypeScript, Redux, Firebase, EmailJS

    Developed a full-stack e-commerce platform from scratch using Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Firebase, and Redux. Implemented robust features including product catalog, shopping cart, user authentication, and payment integration. Optimized for performance and SEO.